
Quinola Kids

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Quinola Quinola Kids
100% Natural, 100% Organic, 100% Gluten Free & Fairtrade

No compromise, just simple, wholesome, goodness.

Every parent wants the best for their children but not everyone always has the time to cook a meal from scratch every day.

Quinola Kids Meals are the answer - for those days when you’re in a rush, without ever compromising on the health and well being.

Food made from scratch by us for you, using traditional cooking methods and the finest natural ingredients from mother nature.

Why choose Quinola Kids Range?

100% Natural, 100% Organic, 100% Gluten Free & Fairtrade

No compromise, just simple, wholesome, goodness.

Three original, delicious flavours bursting with vitamins and

Food made from scratch by us for you, using traditional cooking

We use the finest natural ingredients that mother nature can offer

and gently cook organic quinoa with a blend of fresh organic

vegetables creating a unique range of flavours your children will love.

Mediterranean Quinoa with Tomato, Courgette & Carrot

Thai Quinoa with Peas, Carrots & Coconut Milk

Tex Mex with Kidney Beans, Sweetcorn & Tomato

Quinola is a grain that makes a great alternative to rice and pasta. It’s not just a

grain, it’s a Supergrain that is highly nutritious and packed full of

vitamins and all the essential amino acids your body needs. It’s grown

organically, sustainably and traditionally by small hold farmers in Peru.

We have known about the magic of Quinoa for years now but it’s taken the

rest of the world a bit longer to catch up. It has powered the greatest

empire South America has ever seen. Recently in the UK it’s been hailed

as one of the healthiest foods available and is now being championed by

all the top chefs in all the best restaurants. And it tastes pretty

impressive too.

It’s the preferred super food fuel of choice for the astronauts at NASA and the elite sportsmen

and women around the world. There’s not another food out there that can beat quinoa in it’s

nutritional supremacy and health benefits. We like to think of it at Quinola HQ as the elixir of life,

and we’re not the only ones:

No single foodstuff can supply all the essential nutrients necessary for life, but quinoa is

the closest to any food in the vegetable or animal kingdom NASA 1993

Did you know that children’s kidneys don’t mature until they’re 3?

During the day their kidneys can process animal protein but not so in the evening or

during sleep. Plant proteins are digested and processed gently and easily day and


A long long time ago we used to be cavemen. Back when we were hunter gatherers we’d be

lucky to eat meat once a week so we’re not designed to eat meat every day. Our digestive

system isn’t built for the levels of meat and sugar that are now available to us. Eating

Quinola is a 100% gluten and cholesterol free complete vegetable protein.

It doesn’t cause allergies.

Quinola contains the good type of carbs, so their slow release makes your

children feel satiated for longer. And all that fibre and lack of gluten will do

wonders for their digestion.

No chemical nasties or fossil fuel fertilizers are used in Quinola’s production

Quinola is a supergrain, vegetable protein, that’s more easily digested than

animal protein.

Contains all the essential Amino acids that your childs body needs.

Astronuats & Athletes eat it – it’s bursting with vitamins and it really is a


It’s can sometimes be a bit of a bonkers world. So here at Quinola we’re trying

1. By choosing Quinola you’re also helping the planet as quinoa is

sustainably organic (we don’t just go for the organic label). No chemical

nasties go in to Quinola and no fossil fuel fertilisers are used so it’s

healthy for your children and good to the environment.

2. You’re helping the farmers by supporting Fairtrade. The farmers in Peru

grow quinoa using traditional farming methods as tractors damage the

thin soil. The small hold farmers in Cabana (Peru) believe in the earth

goddess Pachamama, so for them it is second nature to be respectful of

the environment.

Did you know that Quinola is a Better Protein Alternative?

It’s better for your chidren’s body as it’s much easier to digest but it’s also

3. You’re helping to reducing the carbon footprint by choosing Quinola.

The Meat industry is very carbon intensive.

‘Livestock are responsible for 18% of greenhouse gases that cause

global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport

put together’ ( Food & Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations,


Meat is also a huge water user. So regardless of the pros and cons of

battery farming meat -and the genetically modified soya grown in the

deforested Amazon that goes to feed it( yuk!), anything that can replace

meat consumption occasionally is good news.

If you are worried about it coming from so far away -and rightly so- remember

that most of that is done on a great big ship whose carbon footprint is about

one tenth of that of a truck and less than 100th compared to airfreight. So a

New Yorker will have a lower carbon footprint drinking French Bordeaux

compared to a Californian wine. It’s crackers!

Your helping to make trade fair for those who really need it.

At Quinola HQ we work with ethics in our DNA. Not only do we work

directly with the producers under the Fairtrade scheme, but we try and help

them out in other ways too. And we employing a mentally disabled work

force in France to pack, as we want to help provide them with a fair chance

and a better life through work. By choosing Quinola you’re not only

supporting your children but also lots of other people too, who really need
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